Collab.racadabra! | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

The magic of a community lies in its ability to bring people together to achieve things that they could never accomplish alone. BanklessDAO embodies this concept, striving for constant connection and partnering with other communities to improve the web3 space.

This week's editorial features an informative piece by Boluwatife about the proposal submitted on behalf of BanklessDAO to become a 'Top 100 Communities' recipient of Collab.Land tokens. The DAO will receive around 700,000 tokens, some of which will be distributed to individual contributors throughout the year. The remaining tokens will enable bDAO, via delegation to the DAOstewards, to retain a role in the governance of the new Collab.Land DAO and its activities.

In other news, the 4th BanklessDAO Writers Cohort began on March 22. Through workshops and consistent weekly publishing, it encourages writers to grow their online presence and gain confidence. If you missed the kick-off meeting or haven't registered yet, please consider joining us for what promises to be the best cohort yet. The first articles will be published next Tuesday!

Regarding consistency, we hope you have visited the Forum this week to check the proposals and their associated discussions. This week's Community Call roundtable discussion focused on the time-locked BANK proposal and the alpha on potential changes to our membership guidelines. Please read the Forum proposal and share your feedback!

As we head into another weekend, may this newsletter inspire your belief in the magic of community and growth. Season 7 is now half-way through, and the next few weeks will be busy as our various teams plan and budget for a longer Season 8. Thank you for being a valuable member of our team, and we look forward to sharing our progress and achievements for many seasons to come.

Contributors: Boluwatife, Tonytad, Allyn Bryce, WinVerse, anointingthompson1, KingIBK, Austin Foss, theconfusedcoin, siddhearta, Trewkat, HiroKennelly


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✅ Action Items

📖 Review the tlBANK proposal and multisig signers bDIP on the Forum.

✍️ Join the 4th BanklessDAO Writers Cohort.

🍎 Learn about Etherscan on March 30 at 14:00 UTC in the watercooler voice channel.