How to Participate in the DAO Re-org | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

We've been through so much together; charting the highs and lows along the way. We've proven to be a moving train that cannot be stopped – learning new things and surpassing our limits. Season 11 is upon us and we have braced up for the ride.

Some projects are moving forward relentlessly and taking no prisoners! bCard is glad to announce that they are public in the US with plans to expand across other countries in the near future.

Crypto Sapiens is also cooking something amazing that will be hitting your screen soon. They have moved to Platform and are currently working on a game. Exciting right?? If you want to hop on the train and be a part of the community, you can join the Crypto Sapiens Discord and check them out on Farcaster.

In this week’s round table discussion, we talked about DAO reorg and the different approaches we can take. It was an awesome time listening to different opinions on how we can move forward. Are we going to be a social club or kick-off new working groups? These are the questions we are trying to answer in order to take our next step forward.

If you have an opinion to propose, head on to Forum and make it known. And if you are a tlBANK holder, then you are in luck as you can create snapshots and get a movement going.

Contributors: Angelspeaks, **Boluwatife, Tonytad, Paulito, Vi-Fi, Kornekt, WinVerse


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💳 Get your bCard if you reside in the US.

🏃‍♀️ Catch up: Review this week's Community Call notes or listen to the recording.