As BanklessDAO Translations Guild, we will start translate relevant documentation and tweets that will help the community understand the BED and GMI indexes.

These products are very useful for the growth of BanklessDAO and we must help spread the word. It’s an internal BanklessDAO service.

The publication of these will go through the interested IMNs of the respective language. For the initiative to be effective, we must first understand which IMNs would

collaborate in publishing the translated content delivered by the BanklessDAO Translations Guild.

IMPORTANT: This is a new workflow for the Translations Guild and it could be the start of many other similar initiatives. In this case it’s in interest of BanklessDAO

but in the future, it can be used as a reference on how to approach external clients.

Types of Documents




The documentation can be found here:

Next Steps

  1. Make a list of languages that will translate the content 16 languages
  2. Each language Translator + Editor (must be different people).
  3. Make a table with the content and possible cost
  4. Check which IMNs are open for publishing at no cost
  5. Propose a calendar for publishing through the IMNs
  6. Marketing initiatives from IMN (IMN Main Twitter + each IMN Twitter)
  7. Report or feedback to deliver to BED/Index group

Important Considerations

DeFi Fridays with Indexcoop on Twitter could be RT’d

Languages Included:

Czech ON BOARD Portuguese ON BOARD German ON BOARD
Hindi ON BOARD Bulgarian ON BOARD Greek ON BOARD
Serbian - Croatian ON BOARD Italian ON BOARD Chinese ON BOARD
Vietnamese Turkish ON BOARD Farsi
Swedish ON BOARD Spanish ON BOARD Ukrainian ON BOARD
Arabic French ON BOARD
Type of Document Link Total Package Cost
Newsletter (3) 1. Bed Index
  1. GMI 1
  2. GMI 2 | Translation Package 4K per language (3 Newsletters + 3 Tweets) | | 1. Twitter Thread (4 Tweets) | | | | 2. Twitter Thread (6 Tweets) | | | | 3. Twitter Thread (4 Tweets) | | |

Proposal approved and