The constitution, represents the BanklessDAO’s values, mission, structure, processes, and governance according to the best of our community’s ability to capture it. It is the codification of our community operating system and is meant to serve, rather than constrain its members. As such it is really important that is available in different languages, so Bdao members who are not 100% fluent in English can have the chance to understand what they DAO stands for.

Even though the Constitution is not at the moment voted (it’s pending a snapshot vote), it is important for us as a Guild to start working on its translation and capitalise on the Hype upon its official voting.

Suggested project: Bankless DAO Constitution translation

Languages: 10


Portuguese Hindi
Chinese Italian
German Spanish
Japanese Turkish
Ukrainian Pidgin

Budget: The Constitution is consisted of 2974 words * 1 Bank per word = 2974 BANK per language (suggested price is 3000BANK per language). 3000 * 10 = 30.000 BANK

Translation: The translating teams must include a translator and an editor, so we assure the quality of the translation.

Monetization: We have a great opportunity to capitalize on the hype around the Constitution, once voted. Not only we can contribute to the DAO but also benefit financially from it. The initial idea is to mint the constitution to an NFT so people can have it on their wallets. There are multiple ways of doing so. For example, minting an NFT and burning it to get the Constitution etc. I suggest we allocate 5000 BANK towards this direction. The funds are indented for the graphic designer and/or the developer who will help us with the creation/design of the NFT.

Total ask: 35.000 BANK.

Language Translator Editor
Chinese @TG#5674 **@183Aaros
Hindi @Anonymous @ursa
German @Anonymous @Anonymous
Ukrainian @Anonymous @yura_Teslya
Spanish @Anonymous @Anonymous
Turkish @Anonymous @taylans.eth🏴#2408
Pidgin @Anonymous / @vibrantty @Oge
Portuguese joaoh.eth
Japanese cryptowraith#4914 Yuki_xyz#3609