What are campaigns and how are they executed in the Marketing Department?

The Marketing Department is tasked with handling campaign or collaboration requests to achieve various objectives. Some goals of these requests include promoting a product/service/activity, raising brand awareness, and generating publicity. Campaign requests may be either external (i.e., collaborations with other treasury or web2/web3-oriented organizations) or internal, such as a tweet request from Bankless Academy or the Writers Guild. All the processes of external and internal campaigns is overseen by the campaign coordinator.

Types of Campaigns

Campaign Type A (Internal DAO Campaigns): Type A campaigns are internal, non-paid campaigns that basically initiated for educational purposes, promoting projects within the DAO, and greater audience outreach purposes. This is a common campaign request for the Marketing Department.

The project/partner from the DAO provides ready-to-publish content, so they don't require any copywriting or content-creation assistance from the department. This incurs no cost. The polished content to be posted on social media (mainly Twitter and/or Facebook) should satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

After a content format is submitted to the Twitter-strategy channel and reviewed, the DAO's Twitter handler will make a tweet or a retweet from our official Twitter account. At the start of each season, an MD member is assigned to complete this task and is compensated from the department's treasury.

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Some Type A campaigns can however transition into Type B campaigns (with campaign expenses paid by a DAO or ecosystem partner), in this sense the Optimism Campaign is a great reference which started out as a Type A campaign as the department took up the project as an investment towards a possible reward and contributors are going to get paid from the Department’s bounty pool.

Certain Campaign Type A projects necessitate the involvement of the marketing department's team for content creation, including design and copywriting. The content is freshly produced by an authorized writer or designer within the department and subsequently undergoes meticulous scrutiny by the campaign lead. In such instances, compensation is divided between the Marketing Department and the collaborating team or project. An illustrative example of this scenario is the Legal Guild Campaign.

Campaign Type B: These types of campaigns are usually non-paid, internal (within the DAO) without incurring any financial burdens on the department. The objective of Type B campaigns is for educational purposes, social media exposure, and expanding reach through the DAO's social channels.

The campaign process involves several tasks, such as project championing, content creation, copywriting, Twitter thread drafting, carousel post designing, banner creation, and other essential activities. These tasks are compensated from the project; after the requirements are well-outlined, the department drafts a cost proposal and the funds are sent to the Marketing Department’s multi-sig to cover the cost of bounties.

For campaigns like this, the campaign coordinator or any interested member can typically lead the project. This will involve bountying out these tasks to qualified members, reviewing deliverables with the social media coordinator, content lead, and guild coordinator, and ultimately meeting the requirements and goals of the campaign within the designated timeframe. An example of this internal campaign is Global Events.

Campaign Process

Content Creation Process

Campaign Type C: These are campaigns that are 100% facing external clients, could be other DAOs, protocols, web2 and web3 companies, or products that seek to be immersed in a web3 environment through BanklessDAO.