Bankless DAO Weekly NFT and Crypto Art Newsletter #0, August 16

You're reading BanklessDAO's inaugural weekly NFT and crypto art newsletter!

As a media and culture DAO, one of our first initiatives was to showcase talented crypto artists with a weekly auction. The project's success has exceeded our wildest expectations, but we want to take it to the next level.

This new publishing initiative serves to give more voice to the artists - their motivations, lived experiences, values, and their path to exploring the world of crypto and NFTs.

Welcome to Decentralized Arts.

Authors: Bankless DAO Writers Guild (Grendel, Kouros)


This is the official NFT newsletter of the Bankless DAO. If you were a Premium Member of the Bankless Newsletter as of May 1st 2021 you have been subscribed to this newsletter at launch.

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Artist of the Week

Hybrid Code is a polyhedric artist: he is a painter, sculptor, and musician. The son of an artist, HC was exposed to nuanced artistic techniques from an early age and crafted his unique approach to art. Starting in physical form, Hybrid Code works meticulously to digitize his work and incorporate musical elements into his crypto-inspired pieces.

His inspiration is to show what is not visible, to mediate information through images. His methods include working with the continuous accumulation of images and information to modify their meaning and value.

Nothing really stands still before the creator's eyes.

Tell us how you became a crypto artist

It all happened by chance. I have friends who develop on blockchain and they asked me why not think about experimenting with NFTs ... and I accepted!