Forum Category: Governance

Authors: Rowan

Editors: trewkat, 0xZFi, Hiro Kennelly

Date Created: 11 September 2024

Submission Period: 11 September 2024 - 25 September 2024

Election Period: 26 September 2024 - 3 October 2024

Relevant Links: BanklessDAO Constitution, Season 8 - BanklessDAO Vault Multi-Signature Wallet Signers Election Application Submission; BanklessDAO Multi-sig Wallet election

Summary and Process

The DAO Vault multi-signature wallet, or Vault Multisig, contains the primary DAO assets. The Vault Multisig is managed by a team of seven DAO members, and requires four of the seven members to sign in order for any transaction to be executed.

0xLucas, one of the existing Multisig signers, has requested they be replaced. This post serves as the initial step in the application and election process. Individuals who meet the criteria identified below may apply by replying to this post during the Submission Period. At the end of the Submission Period, an election will be held in the form of a tlBANK Snapshot.

Important Considerations

The BanklessDAO Constitution details the Vault Multisig Signer Elections process, including the necessary criteria prospective applicants must meet. As our community membership and governance processes are in a state of transition, the BanklessDAO Constitution does not currently provide pertinent information on the criteria and processes for Vault Multisig Signer Elections. The Transition Council has made some modifications to the election process and applicant requirements to ensure they reflect the current state of governance and membership of the community. Please note, any changes made were intended to reflect equivalent requirements and processes, including but not limited to: applicants’ legitimacy, level of trust within the community, and value alignment.

Vault Multisig Signer Rights, Responsibilities, and Required Criteria for Election

According to the Constitution, Vault Multisig signers have the following rights and responsibilities:
