Action Items



(Ap0ll0517.eth to fill in)


Discussion - S5 KPIs for Projects

KPI Process for Projects was started last season…here’s what each Grants Committee member has to do to keep it up this season:

  1. Check out which projects you’re responsible for on
  2. For each project above…
    1. Check whether or not the multisig is recorded in the Project List
    2. Check whether or not their KPIs are filled in for S4 here: S4 Project KPI Measurements
    3. Check whether or not they have KPIs defined for S5: S5 Project KPI Measurements
  3. For the info that is missing for your projects, find or create a thread under #grants-committee for the project and tag the project champion to get the info we need
  4. Ensure all of the info is updated in the docs mentioned above (S4/S5 KPI Measures and Project List)

Current Active Projects missing Reviewers: