The marketing circle is a team of teams. We are the largest office in Bankless Consulting, and our mission is critical to the success of the company.

Operating Rhythm

Currently, we have three recurring meeting structures throughout each month. This is to help us develop our approach to things, develop a shared vocabulary around work, and move us from “Storming” to “Norming.” As we evolve as a group, our operating rhythm will become less dependent on synchronous meetings.

Meeting Guidelines

Meetings are a tool. We should only use them if they are the correct tool for the job. To make meetings a bit better, we adhere to these guidelines:

Action Meeting

The action meeting is our weekly meeting. As the name suggests, it is geared toward projects and tasks. It is for unblocking, communicating, and processing tensions that are preventing us from doing our best work.

The format of the meeting is very structured, and it is a good idea to understand that structure in advance of attending. For more information read:

How to host the best meeting of the week

Strategy Meeting

The purpose of the strategy meeting is to reflect on what we’re doing, and surface ideas, strategies and experiments that can improve what we’re doing. The objective is not to develop a multi-year plan, but to develop ongoing heuristics that are useful in making individual decisions that align with the team.

Some ongoing tools we’ll use in the strategy meeting are: