To start mapping, first a contributor has to join a Sobol Editor Training Course and get the Sobol Editor tag in discord. The tag is manually assigned to the contributors completed the training.

After getting the tag, you can go to our Dework task board and apply for a mapping task that are listed in the To-Do section of the board. Invite link to Season 9 board

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The applications will be reviewed by the bounty admin role holder. The applicants who are active in the teams that they want to map will be prioritized, if there is more then one applicant and all of them are active in the team to be mapped, first applicant to apply will be assigned to the task.

Tasks should be finished in 10 days after being assigned. The tasks that are not finished in due time will be carried back to TO-DO section and opened to other Sobol Editors.

To start mapping, first do a research in the resources that the team provides.

In BanklessDAO we are almost always able to get the necessary information about the Teams, sub-teams, roles and role holders from the above mentioned sources. It is highly recommended to search through these resources before start asking questions to the team members.

If there is a lack of information in these resources, you can ask the Team for a contributor to help you with your questions. We call this contributor a “guild contact” and there is a bounty for the guild contact for helping the mapping efforts. Invite the contributor to the board by sending them the task link and explain to apply for the “Guild Contact Sub-Task”. DO NOT CLAIM this bounty yourself. If you are active in the team and do not need a contact, leave the sub-task empty.

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The information to be mapped;