KPI measurement measured by July 2022 (S4) October 2022 (S5) December 2022 (S6
Active guild members As per active guild member definition @Anonymous 13 24
Skill level of PM guild Active members weighted by number of mintkudos @Anonymous n/a (only from S5)
Recommendation of PM guild rating as per Seasonal vibes check @Anonymous n/a (only from S5) 8.22
Vibes rating of PM guild vibes rating as per Seasonal vibes check @Anonymous n/a (only from S5) 7.67
Effectiveness of connecting projects and PMs % of closed PM requests of projects @Anonymous 100% (one request by Bankless Academy by @Anonymous) 50%
(one request by Podcast Hatchery filled by @Anonymous and @Anonymous, one request by jengajojo for Daolathionships not filled yet). Two PMs in bb-pm cohort @Anonymous @Anonymous and two did not pan out.

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<aside> ✊🏼 Our Purpose: Create space for BanklessDAO creators to do their best work via project management best practices. We are thinking about how PM best practices can be used within the web3 space and DAOs. Please check out our strategy here
