BP Purpose

Bankless Publishing is driven by a mission to showcase content from web3 writers to a broad audience of crypto-interested readers. We also work with crypto’s leading protocols to help them get their message out to our audience.

Bankless Publishing produces articles, newsletters, X threads, and more.


Bankless Publishing (Season 9 >)

✍️ Editing Framework A guide to grammar, usage, and style for bDAO published work.

Republishable Newsletter Content

Thread Ideas Menu

Quick Links

How to Contribute to Bankless Publishing

📥 Bankless Publishing: Submissions Welcome

Editing Framework

Bankless Publishing Recap Template

Contributor Bios

🔐 Bankless Publishing Multi-sig

🪙 BP Season 9 Budget Proposal

🏸 Mirror Mint Stats

Meetings Tues 1pm PST (9pm UTC)

Weekly Agendas


Published Work

Bankless Publishing Website

Bankless Publishing

Bankless Publishing Newsletters on Substack

BanklessDAO | Substack

BanklessDAO on Medium

BanklessDAO - Medium

BanklessDAO on Mirror


Archived Materials

Previous EPA workflow is captured on the Google sheet: EPA articles and remuneration and prior to that, the

Editing Kanban (No longer used)

Workflow Information

How to Use the Workflow

Client Services Workflow

Client-Services Kanban

Editing Kanban (Seasons 0-8)

🎨  Designer Flow

Comm Templates

🪙 Season 4 Budget Proposal

🪙 Season 5 Budget Proposal