Grants Committee

Grants Committee Governance Decisions

Possible unclear processes


The Grants Committee Mission mission states “Support BanklessDAO through”

Why this is important:

Current version

BanklessDAO constitution  states:

**“**This committee is responsible to vet groups seeking midseason funding and consequently ensure funded entities provide ongoing transparency into the state of their development.

The grants treasury will be used to fund projects that are ready to start mid-season and can’t or shouldn’t wait for the next season for funding. The treasury can also fund projects that don’t align with the current DAO priorities but align with its mission and values and warrant funding.”

Updated portion

To support BanklessDAO members by vetting and funding projects that align with the Bankless mission while maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the stages of project development and subsequent release, by providing the organizational means for reporting goals, KPIs, success metrics, and all the information necessary for the BANK distribution review process of this Committee.