Authors; baer.eth, Icedcool, Gruad

Date created: 4/3/23

Date posted: 20th January 2023

Funds requested: 375,998 BANK + 2,000 USDC

Department wallet: eth: 0x31016FFCEBFf16C20E74A8610f1650DCB5c01Df3


The Treasury Department is an operational unit meant to serve as a necessary organisation of the BanklessDAO. Treasury Management and Tokenomics are facilitators and enablers for operational entities such as working groups and teams to its operational sub-departments.


The Treasury Department has worked towards giving a financial overview of BanklessDAO and its Departments. Additionally, the Treasury Department oversees tokenomic operations and monitors and manages all integrations related to BANK.

Activities from Season 8

  1. Treasury Management
    1. Published BanklessDAO financial report
    2. Built standardized accounting framework for BanklessDAO guilds and departments
    3. Started organizing a Treasury Diversification group
  2. Tokenomics
    1. Weekly analysis on BANK economic infrastructure
    2. Introduced tokenomics 1.0 for BANK
      1. Season Passes
        1. Discussion in progress
      2. tlBANK
        1. Implementation in progress

BANK contract address

Ethereum mainnet 0x2d94aa3e47d9d5024503ca8491fce9a2fb4da198
Polygon 0xDB7Cb471dd0b49b29CAB4a1C14d070f27216a0Ab
Optimism 0x29FAF5905bfF9Cfcc7CF56a5ed91E0f091F8664B

Season 8

The following roles are established for Season 8 to accomplish the department's objectives: